Survivor II
Paul Hathaway began his career in art while stillin elementary school by designing and makingtoys in his father’s Colorado Springs shop.Later he established his reputation as anexpert cabinet and furniture craftsman inWoodland Park, designing and buildingcustom furniture for customers all over theUnited States.In his 50s, he turned to metalworking, inwhich he is largely self-taught. The artisthas said Survivor II, a six-foot tall buffalo,represents “the last stand of the buffalo,” andthe simplified, abstract shapes suggest the nobility,resoluteness, and strength of the animal. Each pieceof sheet steel was cut out and hammered into theright shape, the right contour, and then all the piecesare fitted and welded together. Hathaway calledhimself “a welded metal sculptor.”The hot-rolled steel was deliberately allowed tooxidize to bring about the rich coloring. This photo is in a size of 15" x 10." Limited run of 250.